
Residential Living and Learning (RLL) is an integral part of the University experience; creating safe, 支持, welcoming communities that foster personal and academic growth.


Frequently Asked Questions

What should I bring to college?

居民们被鼓励个性化,使他们的房间成为“家外之家”.“请记住,你将与另一名学生合住,空间有限. Suggested items to bring are:

  • Bedding (mattress cover, sheets, pillows, comforter)
  • 毛巾和毛巾
  • Shower caddy, shower shoes/flip flops
  • Toiletries, tissues, toilet paper (TP provided in Phase III)
  • Cleaning supplies (for room and bathroom), small vacuum
  • Small microwave (under 700W), mini-fridge (max 2 amps/ 4 cubic feet), coffee pot
  • TV (small/medium size)
  • 闹钟
  • First-aid, flash light, batteries
  • Computer, printer, surge protector
  • Office/school supplies, backpack
  • 小风扇、灯
  • Clothes (nice outfit for interviews, speaker events, & 招聘会)
  • Laundry bag or basket, hangers, detergent
  • 雨伞、雨具
  • Prescriptions, Insurance Card, Family Physician’s phone number
  • 垃圾桶和衬垫
  • Posters, pictures, room decor, tension rod for curtains
  • 卡,多米诺骨牌 & 其他游戏
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What size are the beds on campus?

Pride Rock-XL Twin
iii期- xl Twin
ii期- xl Twin

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What items should I leave at home?

  • Weapons (even for hunting purposes)
  • Candles, incense, potpourri pots, oil lamps, wax burners, candle warmers
  • 多插头适配器
  • 烟花
  • 延长线
  • Electric blanket/space heaters
  • Electric balance/hover boards
  • Motorized scooters (unless it can be left outside)
  • 字符串灯
  • Pets (one 10 gallon tank with fish allowed)
  • Hotplates (other appliances with exposed heating elements)
  • Toasters, toaster ovens, rice cookers, crock pots, deep fryers
  • 交通标志
  • 无线路由器
  • Drugs, alcohol, drug paraphernalia, shot glasses, 等
  • 卤素灯
  • Refrigerators more than 2 amps and/or 4 cubic feet in size
  • 700W以上的微波
  • Coffee pots that are not single serve and/or do not automatically shut off
  • Any other type of appliance not listed
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Who will be responsible for me during my stay at A&米商业?

个人责任是在大学里可以学到的最重要的一课. 所有学生都被视为成年人,并将受到大学全体工作人员的相应对待. 住宿生活和学习将努力将学生与许多可用的资源联系起来,以帮助学生实现他们的目标. 学生必须积极参与他们的学术和个人成功,如果他们在某个特定领域需要帮助,请让我们的工作人员知道.

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Is a room or residence hall change possible?

If a resident is interested in living in another room or building on campus, 欢迎他们在8月中旬之前使用换房功能申请房屋.  在那之后, 等待名单在myLeo住房门户网站上打开,居民可以将自己的名字放在一个等待名单上.  如果期望的大厅有空位,我们将联系候补名单上的学生.

If students have a roommate or facility concern, 他们应该联系他们的大厅工作人员寻求帮助,而不是使用等候名单来移动.

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Who is responsible for my property?

Although precautions are taken to maintain adequate security, 大学不承担任何损失或损坏(由于漏水)的责任, 火, 盗窃, 等.) to student possessions. 我们鼓励学生或家长购买适当的保险,以弥补这些损失. 居民们被鼓励关上门并锁好房间的钥匙. 其他保护贵重物品的建议包括有一个上锁的盒子,刻上名字等., 关于价值项目, not leaving money or jewelry out in the open, and promptly reporting maintenance concerns.

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What is the visitation policy?

客人被定义为任何不住在同一指定空间的人. This includes other students/residents, or non- students. Residents are permitted to host guests within their assigned space, and should follow the guides listed below:

1. 房东对其客人的行为负责,并有义务告知他们的客人所有大学和住宿生活和学习社区标准. 客人违反任何政策/程序都可能导致客人和主人受到纪律处分

2. Guests must be escorted by their host at all times. This includes but is not limited to: entering and exiting the building; the usage of bathrooms (buildings with common area restrooms); as well as leaving guests along within residence hall. Guests found without their host will be escorted out of the building;

3. 过夜的客人必须在客人到达前72小时内获得室友的许可, 并且只允许在15天内连续或非连续停留两天.

4. Cohabitation is prohibited. 这包括但不限于:将衣服和其他个人物品放在房间内, 定期在指定的空间过夜,并像在房间里一样使用洗手间设施.

Extension or suspension of visitation privileges for an individual, a floor or an entire residence hall may be issued by RLL with just cause.

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What safety measures are taken in the residence halls?


  • 的一个&移动商务 University Police Department regularly patrols the entire campus, including residence hall areas.
  • 大厅服务台的工作人员可以帮助居民每天24小时在传统风格的大厅和从上午10点到晚上10点每天在公寓.
  • 有防火、防盗、气象等程序到位,保障居民的安全. 这些程序会向住客解释,并包含在住客生活手册中.
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是的,因为A&移动商务致力于为学生服务,并相信它对学生的身体素质负责, 精神, and emotional well being of every student, the University requires all single, 住校的本科新生需要为一年级学生购买一整年的指定膳食计划. 然而, 这项政策只适用于高中毕业同年入学的学生, and are choosing to live on campus. 住在校园里的二年级学生也需要从两种指定的膳食计划中选择一种. Meal plans are optional for other classifications. Meal plans are sold for the entire academic year (fall and spring), and are not transferable to another student. 

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有服务动物或情感支持动物的学生需要联系学生残疾服务中心,在动物被带入宿舍之前获得批准. Students may start the process by emailing (电子邮件保护).

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Do I need approval to move off campus during the semester?

All housing and meal plans contracts are for both Fall and Spring terms, 因此,如果学生希望取消合同,他们必须提交合同解除请求.  Due to the nature of the contracts, a majority of requests are denied, 因此, 在收到批准的申请之前,学生不应另行安排校外住宿.  合同解除请求可以在myLeo住房门户网站的其他应用程序下找到. 

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Is there a policy regarding commuters?

如果一年级学生与父母或法定监护人住在距离校园50英里或不到一小时的车程内,则将接受通勤授权请求. 通勤者授权请求位于myLeo住房门户网站的其他应用程序下.

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Are wireless routers allowed in the halls?

The use of routers are not allowed in the residence halls. 

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What are the dimensions of the living spaces available?

Here is a list of the dimensions of the on-campus housing buildings: Room Dimensions by Halls.

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  • P.O. 3011箱
  • Commerce, TX 75429-3011